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Sign Petition to help support our case for A New Granite Belt Council

The data that underpins the Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Report is incorrect as it does not adhere to the basic principle of the Local Government Act 2009.

“The purpose of this Act is to provide for the way in which a local government is constituted and the nature and extent of its responsibilities and powers and a system of local government in Queensland that is accountable, effective, efficient and sustainable.”

The “estimated” staffing numbers used in the QTC report for the proposed Granite Belt Regional Council (GBRC) do not reflect “efficient” local government.

The Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) and Minister for Local Government Stirling Hinchliffe MP should not use this particular QTC report in their deliberations regarding the proposed new GBRC.

The costs of de-amalgamation that have been estimated in the QTC report for the GBRC are grossly exaggerated at $7.09m.

Please sign and share the petition.


To view A Critique of Queensland Treasury Corporation Report.

Myth: Warwick ratepayers currently subsidise council services to Granite Belt residents by around 20 per cent.
This myth is false.

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